Perfect fit for my Crane baby breast pump. It fits nice and snug and the grips on the ends make it easy to remove for cleaning.
3 min read
As your due date gets closer, you’re probably feeling excitement, anticipation, probably a bit of relief - and also perhaps, a bit of fear, largely around the painful experience you are about to go through. It doesn’t help that every mum around you is so quick to tell you their own horror story, while others share tales of their drug-free births like a badge of honour.
While a bit of fear is normal, social pressure, sensationalised or scary stories and the sterile hospital environment can lead to an unhelpful emotion: anxiety around your impending birth experience.
There is absolutely no need to justify your choice of pain relief, but there are other options you may want to explore that can help not just to reduce these anxious feelings, but also reduce pain.
“When I click my fingers, open your eyes and push…” Nope, not that kind of hypnotism.
Hypnobirthing is essentially a method used to manage pain during labour and birth. It’s done using visualisation techniques, relaxation and deep breathing, and is increasingly being used by women to overcome fears around pain and remain relaxed throughout childbirth.
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3 min read
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2 min read
Perfect fit for my Crane baby breast pump. It fits nice and snug and the grips on the ends make it easy to remove for cleaning.