Perfect fit for my Crane baby breast pump. It fits nice and snug and the grips on the ends make it easy to remove for cleaning.
4 min read
Your boobs will undergo a bit of a transformation, even from early on. First you’ll likely notice that they become larger, tender, and your nipple sensitivity may skyrocket. You may notice that veins become more visible, that your areola darkens or that the little bumps on your nipple start to protrude a little more than usual. Breast tenderness is also a common premenstrual tension, so keep an eye out for other symptoms too.
A small amount of bleeding or ‘spotting’ is a common early sign of pregnancy. This is what’s known as implantation bleeding, which occurs when the fertilised egg attaches to the uterus lining. It will usually appear lighter than a normal period and only last for a short time. It’s not uncommon to also experience cramps, which could feel like your usual menstrual cramps.
Some mums-to-be find that they spot, changes in their vaginal discharge - usually that they seem to have more than usual. In the early days of your pregnancy, mucus is commonly thin and slippery, then thickens as your progesterone levels increase.
If you have any concerns about bleeding and the possibility of pregnancy - consult your GP.
While some women may not experience these pregnancy symptoms straight away, around 90 percent of mums-to-be will have some of these signs of pregnancy appear by the time they are 8 weeks along. Of course, it is possible to not experience any or all symptoms early on, so if you think there is a possibility you could be pregnant, or if you’ve been trying, then the best way to put your mind at ease is to take a test. Pregnancy tests work best after your period is due, but even if the result is negative, it can be a good idea to try again in a few days just to be sure!
The team at FHV Legal has shared a fantastic resource with us on having a well-informed and safe pregnancy. It's packed with tips and insights to make sure your journey into motherhood is as smooth as can be. Check it out here
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Perfect fit for my Crane baby breast pump. It fits nice and snug and the grips on the ends make it easy to remove for cleaning.