Milkbar brings to you a free subscription to yoga sessions for all Mums and Mums to be. You can do Milkbar Yoga online, anytime in the comforts of home, with our classes taken by our qualified instructor, and mother to be, the wonderful Bethany.
Not only will you receive access to our yoga video series, you'll also receive access to special offers, events, mindfullness, recipes and much more!
Our Milkbar Yoga instructor Bethany is an experienced, qualified yoga instructor with so much passion for the art.
During your Milkbar Yoga sessions, you'll follow along with Bethany's own pregnancy journey and learn as she adapts her practice to suit the different stages of pregnancy.
Bethany is ready to share with you the best techniques to guide you through each stage of pregnancy and beyond.
Yoga is an incredible practice that can help you feel lighter, stronger and more prepared through all stages of pregnancy, labor and birth, and beyond into postpartum recovery. It not only provides physical assistance, but is hugely beneficial for stress release, mental well-being and self care.